References | Chemical

GeTec Park Emmen, The Netherlands

GETEC is a shaper of the energy transition. We want to make a difference for generations to come. We are looking for people who share our vision and have the energy for more. Read more about jobs at the platform Italy or across Europe at the entire GETEC Group.

Econvert-UASB® – General 

Emerald Lanxess, The Netherlands (awaiting start- up)

Specialty chemicals company LANXESS acquired Emerald Kalama Chemical and now has an even stronger Consumer Protection segment with a broad product portfolio and a global scope.

LANXESS is a leading specialty chemicals company. The core business of LANXESS is the development, manufacturing and marketing of chemical intermediates, additives, specialty chemicals and plastics. LANXESS is listed in the leading sustainability indices Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World and Europe) and FTSE4Good.

Shell Moerdijk (approval very important!!)

Shell Chemicals Park Moerdijk makes petroleum-based chemical products. It is one of the largest chemical complexes in the Netherlands and Europe. At Moerdijk, major steps are being taken towards a sustainable future, including the construction of a chemical recycling plant. This will allow plastic to be truly reused, thanks to circular chemistry.