References | Pulp

Stora Enso Heinola Fluting Mill, Finnland

Heinola Fluting Mill in southern Finland is an integrated pulp and board mill that produces high-quality semi-chemical fluting for the corrugated board industry. 

  • Stora Enso Division: Packaging Materials
  • Country: Finland
  • Products: semi-chemical fluting
  • Annual capacity: 300 000 tonnes
  • Number of employees: 190
  • Founded: 1961


Condensate pit with pump –  
Flare – 600m³/h 
Biogasbuffer – 200m³ 
Biogas dryer – 600m³/h 
Econvert-IRC®0802422,2 ton COD/day

Sappi (Alfeld Mill), Germany

Alfeld Mill in Germany has a rich history dating back over 300 years and is a Sappi Centre of Excellence for speciality coated and uncoated papers and boards.
Econvert-EGSB®080148,7 ton COD/day