Service | Process


Our technological services helps you to control the wastewater treatment plant by checking all important aspects for a properly running plant. Econvert believes that not only the delivery of a product like an anaerobic reactor or desulphurisation plant will lead to the wanted savings on operational costs, but optimization of the full treatment plant is key. The consultancy can include a site visit and remote assistance, together we conclude a service level agreement which suits your needs and varies from daily to quarterly monitoring.


A complete check of the entire system. Is everything up to date? Is the installation technically in proper condition? How is the installation technologically performing? We advise you on this after an audit has been carried out.


We check in on a regular basis and make analyses, so you can be assured that no major calamities occur. Together, we conclude a service level agreement tailored to your needs and we monitor weekly, monthly or quarterly with you.


In the event of a calamity or disturbance, you need immediate help. We can take a look at the data and come on site to go through the entire installation with you. The troubleshooting can include the need of analysis of the wastewater and/or biomass.


Years of experience in wastewater and biogas treatment

Operational reliability of your installation

Reliable and knowledgeable partner

Saving on operational costs

Get in touch with our professionals

Willem van Smeden

Manager Services

Gea Schanssema-Hagting

Sales Manager Services